Conduct toward competitors, business partners, and third parties
We comply with the rules of fair and open competition and we do not conclude any agreements which improperly influence competition.
We are expressly against any form of national and international corruption and we already avoid the appearance of trying to influence business decisions with unfair business practices.
None of our employees may take advantage of his or her position in our company to demand and accept undue benefits for themselves or third parties.
It is prohibited to make any tangible or intangible contributions to employees or representatives of a business operation in exchange for preferential treatment in business transactions.
It is allowed to extend and accept any invitations such as to business luncheons and dinners or events which are in compliance with and conform to customary business practices, unless they are intended as prohibited preferential treatment. The same applies to accepting or giving of gifts.
Any kind of benefits to government officials and other holders of offices and representatives of government institutions—even indirectly through third parties—are absolutely prohibited.
Any contributions to parties and political organizations such as elected officials and candidates for political offices comply with the applicable laws.
Authorizing consultants, agents, and other order mediators may not be used as means to bypass the prohibition of bribery.
Any donations are given voluntarily and without expecting anything in exchange. Any charitable contribution and sponsor services may not be intended to influence decisions indirectly in the company’s interest.